Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend asana is also known as Upavistha Konasana in the Sanskrit language. The words are divided into upavistha, which means seated or sitting, and Kona means angle. Try not to practice this asana if you have backache or back injury because it may cause lower back injury as well. So be precautionary by using a folded blanket and by keeping your torso relatively in an upright direction. There may be some problem faced by the beginners in bringing their torso forward the floor. So one can take a thickly folded blanket and lay it on the floor in front of you. Doig asana os the first step to knowing your inner self, physically, mentally and emotionally. So its must be done with full precautions and kind guidance of the yoga teacher or guru.
Steps of doing Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
- Sit in the Dandasana pose or staff pose, and lean your torso back slightly on your hands and try to lift your legs to make an angle of about 90 degrees.
- Press your hand on the floor and slide your buttocks in the forward direction and widen your legs about 20 to 30 degrees more.
- Rotate your thighs outwardly, pinning the outer thighs against the floor so that the knees caps point straight up towards the ceiling. Reach out through your heels and stretch out your soles, pressing through the balls of your feet.
- Keep your arms long and straighten, as soon as you experience of bending forward from the waist, stop and re-establish the length from the pubis to the navel.
- Try to increase the forward bend with each exhalation of your breath.
- Stay in the pose for one minute longer each time.
- Then come up with inhalation with a long front torso.
Benefits of doing Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
The Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend asana helps in many ways in Therapeutic applications as well. There are several benefits of Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend to our body. The benefits of Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend asana are countless and helps us in resolving the day to day bodily issues with ease:
- Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend helps in stretching inside and back of the legs.
- It helps in stimulating the abdominal organs.
- It strengthens the spine and lowers back.
- Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend asana calms our mind.
- It helps in releasing the groins.
- It helps the body in giving reliefs in case of arthritis, sciatica, detoxes of kidneys.
- It helps in activating the core muscles.
- It stretched the spinal cord and gives calm to the brain.
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