
Supta Baddha Konasana ( Reclining Bound Angle Pose)- Steps and Benefits

Supta Baddha Konasana ( Reclining Bound Angle Pose)- Steps and Benefits


My mother has been suffering from diabetes and high blood sugar levels for two years. She has consulted doctors and is having medicines regularly. But in addition to this, she was advised to practice yoga and make specific lifestyle changes so that she can get relief quickly. There are many asanas in yoga which cater to different situations and problems. For my mother’s problem, the doctor recommended her Supta Baddha Konasana. 

Supta Baddha Konasana 

The Supta Baddha Konasana or the reclining bound angle pose is known to reduce the risk of health issues related to diabetes and cardiovascular problems. This asana works on groin muscles, pelvic muscles, abductors, and psoas. It relieves stress and activates the abdominal muscles and kidneys. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word Supta meaning “reclining”, Baddha meaning bound, Kona meaning angle and Asana meaning pose. It is a hip-opening asana and can be practised by practically anyone. It is necessary and straightforward to perform and has immense health benefits. 

How to do it?

The Supta Baddha Konasana is easy to perform but should be done by following the right steps. It should be practised under the supervision of a yoga teacher. It is advisable to practice it on an empty stomach and during the early hours of the day. Let’s look at the steps to be followed for practising Supta Baddha Konasana.

  1. Start by lying flat on the floor. Then bend your knees and bring both your feet together while the outer edges of your feet are on the floor.
  2. Then place your palms downwards close to your hips.
  3. Now, as you exhale, shrink your abdominal muscles while your tailbone comes close to the pubic bone. Remain in the position for a few seconds and feel the flexibility in your spine.
  4. Now inhale and then exhale deeply so that your knees open and a stretch is felt in the inner thighs and groan.
  5. Make sure that your shoulders are relaxed and do not touch your neck. The spine should be straight and not forcefully bent.
  6. Remain in the position for a minute and be aware of your breath.
  7. Lastly, press your lower back and knees to the ground to feel the stretch.
  8. Exhale and release from the position.
  9. Relax 
  10. Modification of the asana- for beginners, if a deep stretch is felt in the inner thighs and groin, then raise your feet slowly off the ground to make yourself comfortable.
  11. Precautions- people suffering from pain in the lower back, Shoulder injury and Hip injury should avoid practising the asana. Pregnant women should also avoid practising asana.

Benefits of Supta Baddha Konasana 

The reclining bound angle pose has a lot of benefits which will take you by surprise. It should, therefore, be made a part of your yoga regime and practised regularly. Let’s look at some of the benefits of Supta Baddha Konasana.

  1. The asana improves the blood circulation in the body and activates the heart.
  2. It provides a great stretch to the inner thighs, groins and knees.
  3. It is a great stress reliever and helps fight against anxiety and depression.
  4. It helps in releasing tension in the nervous system.
  5. It boosts energy and instils self-confidence.
  6. It improves the digestive system and reproductive system.
  7. It provides relief from diabetes and regulates blood sugar levels.
  8. The asana provides relief from severe headache and migraine.
  9. It helps open up the hip muscles.
  10. It provides relief from menstrual pain and cramps. 
  11. It makes one feel energised, calm and relaxed.

See Also: 10 Virasana Benefits ( Hero Pose)

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