
Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand

Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand

Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand Starting posture:

  1. Lie down in the supine position.
  2. Relax body.

Entering the Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand posture:

  1. Raise both the legs straight up vertically towards the ceiling.
  2. Bend both the knees. Bring your thighs close to the abdominal area, knees close to the chest.
  3. Place your hands on the lower back.
  4. Now slowly and gently raise both the legs up straight.
  5. Use your palms to stretch the spine and legs straight- vertically aligned. Contract the abdominal muscles, toes pointing towards the ceiling. Chin touching the chest, hands supporting the spine, elbows placed on the mat.
  6. Hold the posture for 3-5 breaths.

Coming out of the Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand posture:

  1. Bend both the knees, bring your thighs close to the abdominal area, knees close to the chest.
  2. Using the hands, gently bring the spine down on the mat.
  3. Make sure that you don’t raise the head up while placing the spine back down on the mat.
  4. Stretch the legs straight and release the hands.
  5. Relax.


  1. Towards the chest while breathing while entering and holding the posture.
  2. Towards the spine and the hips while stretching.
  3. Towards the neck and shoulders while coming out of the posture.
  4. Towards the breathing while entering, holding and coming out of the posture.


  1. Inhale while raising the legs up.
  2. Exhale while placing thighs close to the abdominal area, knees close to the chest.
  3. Inhale while raising the spine and leg vertically up.
  4. Long and deep breaths while holding the posture.
  5. Exhale while bending the knees back.
  6. Inhale while stretching the legs back.
  7. Normal breaths while relaxing after coming out the body.

Benefits of Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand:

  1. Stimulates the thyroid gland.
  2. Relieves mental and emotional stress and improves psychological health.
  3. Boosts the immune system.
  4. It improves blood circulation, respiration, digestive and nervous system.
  5. Helps in relieving haemorrhoids.
  6. Flexibility of the neck vertebrae is improved and nerves passing through the neck to the brain are toned.


  1. People with enlarged thyroid, liver or spleen must not do this asana.
  2. People with cervical spondylitis, slipped disc, high blood pressure, thrombosis or heart issue must not perform this asana.

Also read: https://www.hithyoga.com/keep-depression-and-its-symptoms-at-bay/

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