The history of yoga ways back to the time of Indus Valley civilisation. You would find many statues depicting the deities and god’s performing various asanas and meditation. As per the Hindu mythology, lord shiva is accredited to have started yoga and goddess Parvati was his first student. Lord Shiva is considered to be the symbol of supreme consciousness. Goddess Parvati is considered to be an ocean of knowledge and regulates all the energies of the universe. The Natarajasana is the asana in yoga dedicated to lord shiva, who was considered the founder of yoga. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word nat meaning dancer, Raja meaning king and asana meaning pose. Thus the name lord of the dance pose. Lord Shiva is also known as the lord of the dance. This asana lies in the category of an advanced level of yoga and demands rigorous practise and effort to master the asana. It is a beautiful and graceful asana which requires flexibility of the body. It helps in balancing the body and connecting to the cosmic energies. It is one of the asanas which should be practised and made a part of the yoga regime but for one’s who have good flexibility and balance.
How To Do Natarajasana?
The Nataraj asana is not easy to perform but is very useful. The person should have good command over his/her body and mind. Also, it should be done in the presence of a yoga instructor, and proper steps should be followed to yield maximum benefits. Let’s find out the steps involved in Nataraj asana.
- Start by assuming the mountain pose already discussed in the previous blogs. Then, put your body’s weight on your right foot and bend your left knee to move your left foot. The left foot should be stuck to the middle line.
- Now, pull the instep of the left foot with your left hand. The thumb should be placed on the sole of your foot and point towards the direction of your toe.
- Then move your right arm towards the ceiling.
- Move your left leg behind and move your torso forward with your right arm forward.
- Firmly place your left foot strongly into your left hand and lift the leg higher and deepen the backend.
- Try focusing and keeping your eyes on one thing so that you don’t lose your balance.
- Remain in the posture for 5 to 10 breaths.
- Now again kick your left foot into your right foot to come back to the normal position while your left leg comes in the same place with the right leg.
- Relax and repeat with the other foot.
- Voila! You are done.
- Modification of the asana- for beginners, if it is challenging to balance, take the support of a wall. A strap or pillow can also be used if you have a problem in bringing your lower back up.
- Precautions- people with severe ankle or back injury should avoid practising the asana. If Balancing is not your forte, the asana can be avoided in such situations also.
Benefits of Natarajasana
Natarajasana is an advanced level pose and is a little difficult to perform, but it has immense health benefits. Therefore, practising it will be very beneficial. It might take some time to master the skill, but eventually, with constant effort and practice, the asana can be performed effectively. Let’s discuss below some of the fantastic benefits of Nataraj asana.
- The asana gives an excellent stretch to the shoulders.
- It improves balance and flexibility.
- It improves concentration and focus.
- The asana also improves body posture.
- It calms the mind and reduces fatigue.
- The asana also enhances self-confidence and boosts energy.
- It strengthens the core and back muscles of the body.
- It also promotes self-awareness and self-consciousness.
- It helps you connect with the cosmic energies of the universe.
- The asana also strengthens the hips, thighs, ankles, hamstrings, calves and shins.
See Also: 12 Salabhasana Benefits (Locust Pose)
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