Yoga has immense health benefits and comes in different forms like exercises, power yoga, mudras and pranayama. One such form of yoga is the bandha. Bandhas are a part of mudras and also form a part of Pranayam technique. The unique feature of locking makes them an essential part of yoga techniques. In Sanskrit, bandhas means to hold or tighten. The bandhas locks the pranas in our body and redirects the flow in the Shushma Nadi to help people connect with the divine spiritually.
There are four bandhas in yoga viz Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana and Maha. Here, we will be discussing the Mula bandha. It is also known as the root bond or lock. It means to lock and is inherent to the physical body. Mula bandha is the first lock of all the four bandhas. The Mula bandha helps to strengthen the pelvic and improves the bladder. The Mula bandha is the yogic practice of drawing the root chakra up. It improves the pelvic muscles, and the muscles must be strong and healthy because a weakened pelvic muscle can lead to urinary problems. Mula bandha calms your mind and body.
How to do it?
Mula bandha or root bond needs to be practised with utmost concentration and effort. It should be done in the right manner to yield maximum results. It is necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which can help in reducing many urinary problems. Let’s discuss the steps involved in Mula bandha.
- Start by sitting on a chair or cushion comfortably. Relax your shoulders and jaw and become conscious of your breath.
- Now inhale and contract the muscles of your pelvic floor.
- Now as you breathe lift your pelvic floor muscle by counting 5.
- Try to remain in this position for 10 seconds. Initially, you can start with 3 seconds and eventually increase to 10 with regular practice.
- Now exhale on the count of 5 and bring back your pelvic floor muscle with each count and relax completely.
- This asana should be practised twice a day for 2 to 5 minutes daily.
Benefits of Mula Bandha
Once you incorporate this in your yoga regime, you will be surprised by the plethora of benefits it has. It increases your concentration levels and helps you focus better. It also helps in confining the energy in your perineum, which is quite relaxing and soothing. Let’s discuss some of the benefits of practising Mula bandha.
- It helps in relieving menstrual cramps and pain in women. It strengthens the reproductive system.
- It lowers blood pressure levels and provides relief from respiratory problems.
- It aids digestion and helps in providing relief from gas and constipation.
- It helps in awakening self-awareness and consciousness.
- It unites the energies of the root and heart chakra and provides calmness to the soul.
- It makes the pelvis more robust, flexible and stable and improves the spinal column movements.
- It makes the body flexible and light.
- It boosts energy and instils self-confidence.
- It helps in attaining peace and connecting to the divine power.
- It also provides support and base for other standing asanas.
- It also increases core strength.
See Also: Supta Baddha Konasana ( Reclining Bound Angle Pose)
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