
How to do High Lunge Crescent Variation ?

How to do High Lunge Crescent Variation ?

There are numbers of asanas or yoga poses from standing, sitting, inversion, etc. All the yoga poses have their own significance and set of benefits. High Lunge Crescent Variation is one among all asanas which has several  benefits to the body in stretching and strengthening the arms, legs and abdomen. This pose helps in regulating the proper digestion by facilitating movement through the digestive tract.

How to do High Lunge Crescent Variation Asana?

Steps of doing High Lunge Crescent Variation-

  • Start the pose from Adho Mukha Svanasana that is downward facing the dog, exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your knee over the heel. This asana is one of the balancing types of exercise and stretches legs, arms, and abdomen. But try to avoid when one is suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems. It helps in therapeutic applications by getting rid of Sciatica problem.
  • Keep your left leg strong and firm.
  • Inhale and raise your torso to the upright.
  • Simultaneously, sweep your arms wide to the sides and raise them overhead, towards the palms’ facing.
  • Always be careful, nor to overarch the lower back to avoid pain and injury.
  • Lengthen your tailbone towards the mat or the floor, and reach back through your heel.
  • This will bring your shoulder blades deeper into the back and help support your chest. Look up towards your thumb.
  • Be sure always not to press the front ribs in the forward direction. Draw them down and into the torso.
  • Lift the arms from your lower back ribs, reaching through your little fingers. 
  • Stay in the pose from 30 seconds to one minute and can do it for a longer period later on.
  • Then while exhaling release the torso to the right thigh, sweep your hands back onto the floor, and take another exhale and step your foot back and return to the down dog pose. 
  • Hold here for a few breaths and repeat the asana with the left foot forward for the same length of time duration.

Benefits of doing High Lunge Crescent Variation

  • High Lunge Crescent Variation benefits the body in stretching and strengthening the arms, legs and abdomen.
  • High Lunge Crescent Variation helps in therapeutic applications, by getting relief from Sciatica problem.
  • It helps in improving postural and body awareness.
  • It can help to stimulate proper digestion by facilitating movement through the digestive tract that is peristalsis.
  • It can help in relieving from constipation through the benefits of movement and stimulation of the lower abdomen.

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