
Halasana or Plough Pose – Steps and benefits

Halasana or Plough Pose – Steps and benefits

What’s Inside?

  • How to do Halasana or Plough pose?
  • How to control your breathing during this asana?
  • Benefits of Halasana or Plough pose
  • Contra-indications of Halasana or Plough pose

Performing Halasana or Plough pose with the Starting position as: 

  1. Lie down on the mat on the supine position 
  2. Legs joined, arms stretched out, hands relaxed near the hips and spine completely touching the mat.

Entering the posture:

  1. Gently lift the legs up to 90 degrees. 
  2. Now bring both hands on the hips and help the spine to raise the hips up from the mat. 
  3. Bring the palms down on the spine to rise above the mat.
  4. Slowly bend both legs forward towards the body while raising the hips, waist and spine up using hands pushing the legs further (using hands is preferable to lessen the strain on the spine). 
  5. Now Legs are crossing over the body and try to touch the feet on the mat over the head- do not force. The shoulders, neck and head are on the mat.
  6. Stretch the legs straight. Chin is touching the chest. 
  7. Release both hands and let the arms relax on the mat on the sides of the body. 
  8. Relax in this posture for 3-5 breaths.

Coming out of the posture. 

  1.  Place your palms on the spine.  Slowly and gently bring the spine, waist and hips down on the mat while raising both legs up 90 degrees. 
  2. Release the hands, relax your arms and place them on the sides of the body.
  3. Now bring legs down on the mat. Lie down in supine position.
  4. Relax.

Quick Video on how to do Halasana


  1. Inhale while raising the legs up 90 degrees. Hold the posture and exhale. 
  2. Inhale deeply and while exhaling bend both legs over the body while trying to touch the feet on the mat over the head. 
  3. While holding the posture, inhale and exhale deeply for 3-5 breaths. 
  4. Exhale deeply while coming out of the posture. 
  5. While relaxing, take normal breaths. 


  1. On the abdominal region, shoulders and neck. 
  2. Be fully aware of the breathing while holding the posture. 


  1. Massages all the internal organs
  2. Improves digestion system– relieves constipation, revitalizes spleen. 
  3. Improves kidney and liver function. 
  4. Promotes production on insulin
  5. Strengthens and tones the spinal muscles 
  6. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, increases blood circulation and improves the immune system.


People with hernia, sciatica, high blood pressure, Spinal issues especially lower back problems like slipped disc should not practice this yoga pose.

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