
Big Mind Meditation- Meaning and Benefits

Big Mind Meditation- Meaning and Benefits

If you are calming your mind or quieting your mind, it does not mean that your inner voice can not be heard. Big Mind Meditation is a process in which discussion is endless, and conversation is long. One can say whatever comes into his or her mind; there is no restriction on ideas or speech.

It was said that when you study yourself in depth, you have to forget about yourself. When er do Big Mind Meditation, we think nothing, and when we breathe is simply we are inhaling and exhaling. While doing Big Mind Meditation, no thoughts must linger in your minds, and we do not have any relationship with the outside world. We have to hear our inner soul only.

Big Mind Meditation helps in generating awareness in one and developing inner sights more transparent and clear. Big Mind Meditation can be referred to as the practice of meditating as done by lord buddha. In the Buddhist tradition, it is believed that a small mind is the place of ego, but the great mind is the place of wisdom or Buddha-nature.

How to do Big Mind Meditation

  1. If the person is a beginner at doing meditation, he or she must sit on the chair and be comfortable in an upright direction or position and sit calmly, peacefully.
  2. Take a few breaths, inhale, and exhale without any pressure in mind.
  3. Relax from the outside world and sit the same way for 25 minutes, at least.
  4. Repeat the process daily.
  5. Later on, it would help if you placed yourself at a peaceful place, settle down on the floor, leg crossed one foot on the thigh of another leg.
  6. Each Hand must be straightened, and the backside of the palms must touch each thigh; you can make mudra with your fingers.
  7. You can perform the mediation by joining hands in a prayer position as well.
  8. After getting relax, close your eyes, and focus on your inner voice and strength.
  9. Inhale and exhale slowly and try to become quiet for 25 to 30 minutes.

Benefits of doing Big Mind Meditation

  1. Big Mind Meditation increases your concentration power.
  2. Big Mind Meditation teaches you how to develop your inner skills and awareness.
  3. It gives peace of mind and relaxation to the body.
  4. It ensures good sleep if practiced before going to bed.
  5. Our back remains to straighten and stretched, so it helps in making our sitting posture correct.
  6. By reciting om word while doing meditation, you will be away from all distractions.
  7. It gives relaxation in mind.
  8. It gives you inner strength and develops your immunity too.

Big Mind Meditation is a very beneficial yoga practice for any gender and any group age person. It can be done at any time without any limit. It does not have restrictions to do it in the morning or night, empty stomach or full stomach. Any illness does not say to avoid this asana. But meditation must be performed with full dedication, determination and on a regular basis. You must be honest while doing Big Mind Meditation to yourself as you visualize your inner self. It keeps much importance in solving our daily life problems and makes us more mature and practical to the things because now we can make a difference between right or wrong.

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