
6 Benefits of Bhujapidasana

6 Benefits of Bhujapidasana

Remember, while doing any asana, take prior consultation from your doctor because prevention is better than cure. Bhujapidasana is a hand-balancing asana with shoulder pressing posture in modern yoga as exercise. One variant pose, Eka hasta Bhujaasana where there is a posture of one leg stretched out straight forwards.

Bhujapidasana’s name has been derived from the Sanskrit word “bhuja,” which means “arms,” “pida,” which means “shoulders,” and “asana,” which means “pose.” This pose was firstly described in the 20th century. An arm supported asana in which the support is the palms of the hands when touched to the floor and requires balance and strength to maintain and indulge in the pose. It stretches the arms, wrists, thighs, shoulders, and abdomen. This asana must be performed with full determination and concentration because it requires more strength.

How to do Bhujapidasana?

There are a number of steps to do Bhujapidasana in a correct manner today. We will discuss the step one by one. One must be calm and honest towards all angles while doing any asana. Only then he or she can reap the best from it. The following steps should be followed cautiously:

  1. Start Bhujapidasana with squatting by placing your feet at a slightly lesser distance than the distance between your shoulders and keeping your knees wide.
  2. Make sure to angle your torso such that it faces forward and place it between the inner thighs. As you lower your torso, your hip must be raised parallel to the floor.
  3. Then place the upper left shoulder as close to the back area of the left thigh, a little above your knee area.
  4. Place your left hand on the floor next to the outer part of your left foot. Do the same on your right side as well.
  5. This pose will make your upper back round up.
  6. Lift your body by pressing your both palms on the floor and place your weight on your hands.
  7. Press the outer part of your arms together with your inner thighs as you place the right ankle over your left ankle. Gaze forward and hold the pose, then bend your elbows and release the pose as you start exhaling
  8. Avoid this asana if you have injuries in your shoulders, arms, wrists, back, or shoulders.
  9. Avoid this asana if you ars suffered from high blood pressure and cervical spondylitis.

Benefits of Bhujapidasana

  1. This asana helps in an amazing manner; it makes shoulder, arms, wrists, back stronger, and improves their balancing power along with the strength.
  2. The abdomen and other body parts get a good stretch through this pose.
  3. Digestion improves by performing Bhujapidasana.
  4. This asana also nourishes the thyroid gland, the heart also remains under control, and metabolism is regulated.
  5. The blood circulation in the body gets improved.
  6. Bhujapidasana also provides relief from stress and headache.

Every asana has some rules to be followed while performing one is calmness, caution, honesty, and concentration. This asana requires physical and mental endurance. If you practice this asana with a full guided technique and strategically, you feel more energetic and comfortable.

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