
8 Benefits of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

8 Benefits of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana is an asana with the shape/pose as inverted ‘V’; it is a standing pose asana along with mild inversion. This asana makes the posture as inverted ‘V’ with the forearms and toes on the floor. Another name of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana is Dolphin Pose. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

 Asana is derived from the words: Ardha-half, pinchers-feathers,  and asana-pose. It is also known as puppy pose, half feathered pose. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana must be practiced with an empty stomach; meals must be taken 4 to5 hours before yoga. It stretches the hamstrings, arms, legs, and arches of the feet. Yoga is to build inner strength, peace of mind, awareness, and harmony both in mind and body. Yoga is an ancient therapy to control physical, mental, and spiritual practices that originated in one’s body. This asana builds your muscles and keeps us ready to face the challenges of life. A magical strength builds up in our body, which helps us face even the natural environment changes like we never felt before.

Steps of doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Do the asana in full guidance, and with caution, avoid the meals during the Ardha Pincha Mayurasana. Suppose you have a neck or shoulder injury. Ensure that your knees and slightly bent as and when you practice this asana. Always have a good gap of time between your meals and asana.

  1. Begin the Ardha Pincha Mayurasana by getting on your knees and hands.
  2. Place your forearms on the floor with elbows and shoulders on the same line parallel to each other.
  3. Try to lift your back and hips just like you tuck your toes and make your legs straight.
  4. Your shoulder blades must be firm and into your ribs, free your neck by lifting your shoulders away from your ears.
  5. Take three long and deep breaths by holding the pose for a few seconds.

Benefits of Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

For beginners, it’s a little bit tough to be in the pose with your elbows, shoulders, and arms. You can use alternative legs for doing the Ardha Pincha Mayurasana to increase the stretch and intensity of the pose. These are some amazing benefits of  the Ardha Pincha Mayurasana:

  1. This asana helps to calm the brain and relieve stress and depression.
  2. It helps in a good stretch of hamstring, shoulders, and calves.
  3. It strengthens the arms and legs.
  4. This asana stimulates the reproductive organs, relieve menstrual discomfort as well as reduce the symptoms of menopause.
  5. It also strengthens the bones and prevents osteoporosis.
  6. It stimulates the digestive organs and improves digestion.
  7. It gives relives from fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and back pain.
  8. It helps with asthma, blood pressure and sciatica, and flat feet.

 Ardha Pincha Mayurasana pose is the multifaceted pose that helps you in preparing your mind and body for a full inversion. It helps in opening the upper body and makes it stronger too. By practicing this asana regularly, your shoulders and spine experience a wider range of motion.  Your energy will become like you were at a younger age and reaches to different dimensions of life. You must include the Ardha Pincha Mayurasana in your daily workout, and it can be done even in the morning or evening as per your comfortable schedule.

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