Yoga is a very diversified form of exercise. It not only includes standing, sitting postures but also mudras and bandhas. Bandhas are a part of mudras and also form a part of Pranayam technique. The unique feature of locking makes them an essential part of yoga techniques. In Sanskrit, bandhas means to hold or tighten. The bandhas locks the pranas in our body and redirects the flow in the Shushma Nadi to help people connect with the divine spiritually. Bandhas can be practised individually initially to master the art so that they can be performed along with the mudras or Pranayam. There are four bandhas in yoga viz Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana and Maha.
Today, we will be discussing the Jalandhara bandha. It derives its name from the word Jal meaning water and Dhar meaning web and bandha mean blocking or holding the flow. Thus, it is also known as the chin lock. The bandha can be practised without performing any hardcore asana and can be practised on its own. It is also known as the net- bearer bond.
How to do it?
The Jalandhara bandha requires the neck and head to be straight. It should be performed under the guidance of a yoga instructor. It should be done with the right steps to generate maximum benefits. The bandha is quite beneficial and should be incorporated in the yoga routine. Let’s discuss the steps involved in Jalandhara bandha.
- To start with, come into Padmasana.
- Now keep your palms on your knees.
- Then breathe in and out.
- While you inhale, raise your chest.
- Try and hold the breath for a minimum of 10 seconds.
- Lift your chin slowly without tilting the head.
- Then, bend forward gently and push your neck and head to the chest.
- Then shrink your throat and neck muscles together.
- Now lower your chin and keep it on your neck dent.
- While you are keeping your chin down, again shrink the throat and neck muscles and keep your back in a straight position.
- Try to notice the tip of your nose.
- Stay in the posture for a few minutes.
- Lift your chin and neck and come back to the original position.
- Relax
- Additional tips- performing Jalandhara bandha along with other yoga postures will give better results and benefits.
- Precautions- people suffering from high or low blood pressure should avoid Jalandhara bandha. Also, people suffering from breathing issues should avoid doing Jalandhara bandha.
Benefits of Jalandhara bandha.
Jalandhara bandha has some fantastic health benefits. As easy it is to perform, it should be included in the yoga regime. Let’s discuss some benefits of Jalandhara bandha.
- It helps in improving concentration power and helps focus better.
- Because of the contraction of throat muscles, it helps with thyroid problems.
- It helps in strengthening the spinal cord and improves blood circulation.
- It is known as the chin lock for a reason. It helps with getting rid of the double chin, which adds to the beauty of your face.
- It relaxes the shoulders and aligns the spine.
- As per Ayurveda, it activates the Vishuddhi chakra and helps in efficiently dealing with emotions and feelings.
- It is also helpful with activating the vocal cords as it facilitates the blood flow in the vocal cords.
- It can help in reducing the heart rate and slows down body activities.
- It also facilitates better communication and self-expression.
See Also: Mula Bandha Asana (Root Bond)
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