Stress is a common scenario these days. Most of the population is in stress or depression because of various factors. Our hectic schedules, busy lifestyles and not giving enough time to ourselves have been among the significant factors leading to stress. A bad day at work or a small fight at home any such thing can lead to stress and tension. Therefore such practices must be adopted so that the mind is relaxed and calm. Yoga is believed to be a potent tool in relieving stress and calming your mind. There are many asanas in yoga which specifically cater to this problem. But the backend asanas are very effective in dealing with stress and anxiety.
Backend asanas open up your body fully and release all the tension in the body. These asanas are also helpful in dealing with back and neck pain. One such asana is the Salabhasana asana or the locust pose. It is one of the baby backend asanas which forms the foundation for other intense backend poses. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word Shalabh meaning locust and asana meaning pose. It resembles the posture of a locust when at rest. It might sound simple and easy but staying in the pose requires a lot of effort and concentration. It should be made a part of your daily workout routine. The asana should be practised on an empty stomach and should be practised early in the morning. The asana also helps in strengthening the back and the abdomen.
How To Do Salabhasana?
The locust pose seems easy but is quite challenging as it requires a fair amount of strength and energy to remain in the pose for a few seconds. It is quite useful and has many health benefits. Therefore it should be practised with utmost focus and diligence. Let’s see the steps involved in doing the Shalabhasana.
- Start by lying down on the abdomen on the floor with your hands kept by your side.
- Now inhale and move your upper torso and legs.
- Then lift your legs upwards without bending your knees with the help of your thighs.
- Ensure that your weight rests on your abdomen and lower ribs.
- Hold the position for a few seconds to a minute.
- Come back to the original position while you exhale. Rest and relax.
- Modification of the asana- for beginners, try lifting your legs, keeping your upper body on the ground. You can make use of your hands for better support.
- Precautions- people suffering from spinal injury or severe headache should avoid practising the asana. Pregnant ladies should also avoid doing asana. People with neck injuries should practice under the guidance of a yoga instructor.
Benefits Of Shalabhasana
Shalabhasana is very useful and has many health benefits. It also relaxes and calms your mind and provides you with mental peace. It should be incorporated in your yoga regime so that you can keep yourself healthy and fit. The benefits of Shalabhasana are-
- The asana helps in balancing the levels of acid in the body.
- It also helps in reducing weight and increases metabolism.
- It improves blood circulation in the body.
- It activates the internal organs and stabilises the entire body.
- It makes the body flexible.
- The asana also strengthens and provides an excellent stretch to the muscles of abdomen, calves, legs, shoulders and hips.
- It improves the posture of the body and tones the back muscles.
- The asana is also helpful with backaches, slipped disc and other minor health issues.
- It builds confidence and strengthens the mental levels.
- It improves the functioning of the liver and the heart.
- It relaxes and soothes the mind.
- It stimulates the nervous system and rejuvenates the spinal muscles.
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