Yoga is the union of mind, soul and body. It is the tool for understanding one’s consciousness and connecting to the divine. Yoga has proved to be very beneficial in curing many health problems. It has worked as a therapy to provide relief from issues like chronic headache, asthma, diarrhoea, etc. It also has many mental benefits attached to it. It calms and soothes the mind and provides inner peace. It activates many chakras which flush out all the negativity and encourages positive thinking. Different yoga asanas have been in practice since ancient times and have been categorised accordingly.
The backend asanas are very beneficial and useful. This category of asana helps in maintaining a balance between the muscles and the bones. They increase mobility and strengthens the muscles around the skeleton. One such backend asana is the Kapotasana or the king pigeon pose. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word Kapot meaning pigeon and asana meaning pose. The posture of the body is similar to that of the bird. The pose when practised looks very graceful, just like a bird. The asana helps provide flexibility and energy in the spine. It also provides a great stretch to your muscles and body. The asana should be included in the yoga sessions owing to the plethora of benefits it has. The asana should be practised on an empty stomach preferably early in the morning.
How To Do It?
Anything when done in a proper manner yields better results. Similarly, following the instructions and guidelines in the right direction will provide more benefits when practising the asana. The asana involves a series of steps which should be followed so that it is effective. Let’s find out the steps involved in doing the asana.
- To start with, sit in Ustrasana. The Ustrasana has already been discussed in our earlier posts.
- Now inhale and lift the lower part of your belly and Pull the stomach before raising it. Now move your tailbone downwards to stabilise the lower back.
- While you exhale and inhale, pull both your arms to the level of your ears. Bring both your palms together. Exhale and then move backwards. The lower back should be extended but stable.
- Now lift your shoulders and bring your elbows together towards each other. Then move your head backwards and remain in this position for five breaths.
- Now exhale and while you inhale, reach out for your arms to the floor. Put your feet on the floor firmly and bend your knees to reach the palms of your hand.
- Then keep your hands back towards the knees to meet the fingers to the heels and then hold them tightly.
- Then, hold both your feet and squeeze the elbows towards each other and push the hip forward with your lower back remains untouched.
- Now exhale and bend your elbows and fix them on the floor. Remain in the position for about 30 seconds to a minute.
- Come back to the normal position and keep your breath normal. Move your spine and suppose the child’s pose and then relax.
- Modification of the asana- for beginners, the support of the wall can be taken to get the right posture.
- Precautions- people suffering from migraine, insomnia and high blood pressure should avoid doing the asana. People with back injuries and shoulder pain should also avoid practising the exercise.
Benefits Of Kapotasana
The Kapotasana is simple yet very effective. It has immense health benefits and works magically on the spine. Let’s find out some fantastic benefits of doing the King Pigeon Pose.
- The asana strengthens and stretches the muscles of the legs.
- It enhances the blood circulation in the body.
- It improves the digestive system and helps in providing relief from constipation.
- It improves flexibility and elasticity of the arms, spine, thighs and calf muscles.
- It regulates high blood pressure levels and is useful in many persistent diseases.
- It tones the muscles of the ribcage, abdomen and chest.
- It also tones the muscles of the throat and is helpful in the thyroid.
- The asana also improves body posture.
- The asana is also helpful in dealing with urinary problems.
- The asana also relieves stress and soothes the mind.
- It also improves the functioning of the lungs and makes them stronger.
See Also: 12 Uttana Shishoasana Benefits
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