
10 Virasana Benefits ( Hero Pose)

10 Virasana Benefits ( Hero Pose)


Yoga is like a hero who is an all-rounder and fights with the villain and wins against him every time. You must be thinking, why did I compare yoga with a hero. As a hero, yoga is a solution to many health problems and works on the overall well-being of the individual. It fights against many health issues and provides relief from them with constant practice. Yoga has a plethora of asanas divided into different categories. One such yoga asana is Virasana or hero pose. Now you know why I compared yoga with a hero.

This asana is the seated asana and gives an excellent stretch to The quadriceps. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word Vir, meaning hero and asana meaning pose. This asana can be practised even after having your meal. The asana is a meditative pose, and so it is suitable to practice this early in the morning. The asana helps in balancing the mind and the body. It provides peace and calmness to the mind. It requires a good stretching of the hips, thighs and ankles and promotes flexibility. This asana is not that simple as it seems. It is difficult to find people sitting cheerfully in Virasana. But it is worth a try because of the fantastic health benefits it has.

How to do it?

Virasana or hero pose should be practised with full concentration and energy. It requires the steps to be followed in the right manner and reaping the most benefits from the asana. The steps involved in Virasana include-

  1. To start with kneeling on the floor with your knees placed directly under your hip. At the same time, your hands rest on your knees.
  2. Now bring your knees to each other while your feet widen automatically. 
  3. Press the tops of your feet on the floor.
  4. While you are sitting on the mat, gently lower your hips and move the calves away. The hips should lie between your heels.
  5. Keep in mind that you do not feel any sensation in your knees while you are getting into the pose.
  6. The toes should point outwards, and the inner ankles must be drawn to protect your knees.
  7. Pull your navel inwards and extend your tailbone from the crown of your head to the floor.
  8. Remain in this pose for 20 to 30 seconds and then release. 
  9. The pose can also be used as a meditative pose once you have mastered the pose.
  10. Modification of the asana- for beginners, it might be challenging to balance the pressure of the top of the floor. In that case, the base of the palms should be pushed along the outer edges of the feet.
  11. Precautions- people suffering from Heart problems should avoid doing the asana. People with a severe knee injury should also avoid practising asana.

Virasana Benefits

Virasana or hero pose has immense health benefits, and it should be included in the daily routine to avail the benefits. It will keep your mind active and boost your energy. The benefits of Virasana are-

  1. The asana helps in improving the digestive system and provides relief from constipation and gas.
  2. It also aids in relieving menstrual problems in women. It improves the reproductive system. 
  3. It increases the blood circulation in the body and releases stress from the body.
  4. It also improves the posture of the body.
  5. It relieves high blood pressure, asthma and flat feet.
  6. It gives an excellent stretch to hips, ankles and knees.
  7. The asana also helps in reducing swelling of the legs.
  8. The asana also stretches the arches. 
  9. It also improves the breathing pattern.
  10. The asana also serves as an alternative to the cross-legged position. 

See Also: Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

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