
Yoga on the go – for those with tight schedules

Yoga on the go – for those with tight schedules

We live a busy life, where we find it hard to dedicate some time for taking care of ourselves. It isn’t uncommon for us to get so involved in the work that we realise it only months or even years later that we are in bad spot health-wise. Yoga classes or even doing yoga at home can come to rescue though. Not only will it keep your body fit but also your mind calm. But, we know of your busy schedule and so here are 5 tips for you that will make your Yoga practice comforting, easier and on the go- just like you are!

  1. Set Your Objective: Having an objective for pursuing Yoga can help. It will keep you motivated and you will love to get an outcome from it. And if you think that every person has the same objectives to pursue Yoga, then you are wrong. As for someone it is a way to relax, while for others it’s just an exercise. So simply set it and by doing so, you will be able to improve your core and mental strength.
  2. Each Day, New Asana: Some days you will feel quiet and still, while on others you will be sweaty. Many of us see Yoga as exercise but is more a sort of relaxation. So if your all days are not the same, it’s not necessary to practice similar Asanas every day. Listen to your body and mind what they are asking for, and give it. It will make it easier for you to get on the mat, practise Yoga and don’t even hurt your body.
  3. Don’t Skip Relaxation at the end: The Relaxation or warmup is one of the important parts of Yoga. It helps in loosening the stiffness and mental tension. Sometimes, your muscles may face some problem, so relaxation will keep them in a constant alert state and let it expend more energy. Choose the type of relaxation as per your comfort and avoid it when your body is not ready for it.
  4. Include Breathing Practice: Breathing is we are already doing that’s why it will be very easy to practice. Consciously focusing and controlling your breathing ability will bring mindfulness to your daily routine. As you will become more aware of breathing, your body movements and daily life will improve automatically. Also, it will reduce the mental and physical tension and encourage muscular support.
  5. Do some Initial Stretches: After a busy day, you want to relax and feel energetic to start exercising. So, the best and simplest way to do so is by starting your Yoga with stretches. It opens up your body and let it be flexible and away from pain. You can even go for it before the morning workout. Also, as it is an important part of Yoga, you can dedicate some days to stretching itself. It will keep your body active.

Taking some time for yourself is not bad at all, rather you should try it every once in a while. But, we know and we understand when you say that it is hard for you to find time for yourself. It is for this reason, at Hith Yoga, we have come up with the concept of Drop-in classes or Yoga on the go. So even if you do not have enough time to enrol in a yoga class, feel free to DROP IN!

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