
Understanding Energy Healing

Understanding Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a method of looking at your body as your “true self” rather than just a physical body. It is a kind of energy medicine that helps you to reorganize your nervous system from chronic pain, unwanted habits and limiting beliefs. Additionally, it is the way of clearing, charging and balancing your chakras and energy field.

It was started in South America as a tradition and later it became a major part of modern neuroscience. Energy Healing has given birth to a kind of potent medicine that can ably clear the dense energy from your body.

Energy Healing and Chakras

You may know, there are 7 major chakras in your body and each of them has a great effect on your body. These are counted as energy vortexes as they derive information from the outside world and transfer it to your nervous system. If your Chakras are healthy, then you will be able to stay away from negative energy and feel vibrant energy in the body. In contrast, if you experience any kind of Trauma, your body will feel wounded. If your Chakras aren’t healthy enough to be able to filter that negative energy, you will experience such traumas or negativity over and over.

Chakra Illumination

For an effective Chakra Illumination, you will have to point out the issue and physically, mentally and emotionally work on it. You have to reason why you are going through a specific situation and use energy healing to remove it from your body. If done in the right way, one can bring their Chakras in a healthy state. This process is analogous to removing anything harmful from your body.  Once the entire energy healing routine has been practised well, the body, mind and heart-healing become very easy.

Energy Healing Sessions

When we talk about the energy healing sessions, it is a way to bring illumination of the Chakra in your lifestyle. It is a detoxification process where Yoga Asanas are used to revitalize the nervous system and allow positivity to flow through your body. Yoga focuses on breath and uses it to move prana in and out from your body while maintaining a posture.

The asanas and breathing are done in such a way that it soothes down the body and mind and connects you with the world. Yoga works as a great energy medicine practice and heals all the internal problems. It is not just about Stretching your mind and body but connecting yourself with the universe at a  spiritual level. The right process will allow spirituality to flow through your mind and soul while your body still remains on the ground.

Yoga and energy healing both try to maintain harmony and balance, add clarity to your thoughts, and improve your understanding level. So, it’s not wrong to say that Yoga is also a kind of energy healing, and you can practice both the processes together.

At Hith Yoga- we understand the nuances of Yoga as well as energy healing and also understand that how we all differ so much at an individual level. It is for this reason that we create Yoga and Energy healing plans custom curated to your individual requirements. Drop-in for a Yoga class at our Yoga studio sometime.

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