
Should you be loyal to just One Yoga Studio?

Should you be loyal to just One Yoga Studio?

When you involve yourself with yoga, you always come across many questions. And one of them is ‘should I stick to a particular yoga studio or should I experiment for a while or maybe try it out at home?’. It is only natural that we would say that you should stick to one for getting best results. But, we would rather lay out the points for you and then let you decide what you would want to do.

The Benefits

When you are already involved with a place, it becomes very easy for you to adapt to its environment. You are aware of the teachers, students, amenities and more. You have spent time with them and hence you are in a comfortable place which makes the entire Yoga experience even more productive.

You are able to connect with the Yoga asanas and the working styles well because you have picked up the nuances of the teacher over time. You have placed your faith in the studio for some time and it is out of this faith that your good results are coming.

A Suggestion

However, there is a suggestion for you, if you feel that you should change the yoga studio, then you definitely should. It is okay to experiment and then choose the best. While it is a fact that Yoga just like any other exercise form takes time to get accustomed with, yet, if you wish to studio-hop, then there is no stopping you. The best way to so is by filtering 2 or 3 good Yoga studios in the beginning. This will help you to know about the available options. Make sure to keep certain points in your mind while finalising, such as the good reviews, the sync with your requirements, the yoga studio’s ambience and location. Everything that is available on the internet doesn’t have to be true, so book a trial session to be sure about it. Even if it is a paid trial, it’s not bad to experience a session with the studio before paying upfront.

Join the studio only when you are 100% sure of it. And if you are facing any difficulty even after becoming a part of a studio, make sure to discuss it with your teacher. You have to express your objectives and difficulties that you might be facing during the session or in your program. And a good teacher will find the best solution for you and encourage the same. 

The Reasons for Change

Many people change their yoga studio because they are not happy about their teacher’s behaviour or feedback. But if there are any genuine feedback from your teacher regarding your practice, please do take it positively and work harder. It will be beneficial for you in every aspect. 

Sometimes the reason for the change could be your own conditions viz the travel time to the studio, you shifting locations, frequent travels etc. In such a situation opt for a yoga studio which offers drop-in classes. Such flexibility will keep you on track while giving you enough flexibility to revolve the classes around your schedule.

And Finally

Being Loyal to your studio will work as a stress reliever as you will no longer have to meet new people or accustom yourself to a new environment. And the best part is that you no longer have to feel shy while practising any asana in front of the people whom you see every day. Thus the entire session would become easier and inherently positive.

At last, remember that there is no universal “correct” price for a yoga studio. It totally depends on the ambience, the teachers, and the amenities. So don’t switch just because a better-priced option is available elsewhere. Remember that it is all about achieving the goal which you set for yourself and only the right yoga studio can help you with that.

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