River Rafting & Yoga
Have you ever heard the sound of a river, the pouring of the rain or the flowing of a waterfall? Does it bring you calm? If yes, then you have felt the healing qualities of one of the 5 elements of nature, Jala or Water. Water has cooling properties that takes the heat away from wherever it is sitting. Flowing water is said to have its own kind of therapy. Let’s talk about another form of therapy that is a little distant from this one,
Adventure. It is an experience of doing something unusually daring. It demands strength, focus, endurance, patience, discipline, knowledge and hard work. It has been scientifically proven that engaging in extreme activities helps with psychological and physiological improvements. Many war veterans suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) are prescribed Adventure therapy.
Adventure and water can be compared to a yoga session when you do asanas to go the extremes, then focus on meditation to do the healing.
But what do you get when you combine water with adventure? It’s River Rafting. Just you, your team mates, the raft, the water and (Oh yes!) the adrenaline rush flowing and popping your veins out. It is extreme, involves a great deal of risk and could be fatal at times but it is also very fulfilling and rewarding. River rafting gives you balance, when you are struggling and managing to stay on the boat, it helps you find the centre in you. It opens up and heightens all your senses. It gives you confidence, there is very little scope for mistakes and you have to go by your instincts and trust yourself. It gives you mental strength, by taking a risk and succeeding, the sense of achievement is very healthy for your mind. You will acquire a great deal of self-esteem as well.
So next time whenever you are on the raft, just stop thinking and start enjoying by being in the present moment. I can bet, you won’t be the same person you were, when you got on the raft.