
Malasana or Garland Pose – Steps and benefits

Malasana or Garland Pose – Steps and benefits

What’s Inside ?

  • How to do Malasana or Garland pose?
  • How to control your breathing during this asana?
  • Benefits of Garland Pose or Malasana
  • Contra-indications of Malasana or Garland pose

Practicing Malasana Or Garland Pose With The Starting Position As: 

  1. Let’s stand straight, feet hip distance apart. 
  2. Now open your feet 2 – 2.5 inches apart and sit down in squat position.

Entering The Position:

  1. Open up your knees, away from each other completely.
  2. Feet are pointed outwards to the sides. Thighs stretched out.
  3. Now bringing your palms in namaskar mudra in front of the chest. 
  4. The posture should be such that the elbows are gently touching the knees from inside. 
  5. Expand the chest and shoulders out. Spine stretched out completely.
  6. Hold on to the posture

Coming Out Of The Posture: 

  1. Release your hands, relax your knees
  2. Put your knees down on the mat, relax your feet.
  3.  Bend forward and stretch the hands coming to shashank asana. 
  4. Relax


  1. Inhale and go down from simple standing pose 
  2. Inhale and expand the chest and shoulders out. Exhale and relax.
  3. While holding on to the posture, take 3-5 long and deep breaths.
  4.  Exhale and relax the chest and shoulders and release the posture.
  5. Take normal breaths while staying in shashank asana.


  1. Full awareness to your Pelvic Girdle.
  2. Keeping pelvis and chest open

Benefits Of Garland Pose:

  1. Tones the abdominal muscles and improves digestion.
  2. Improves the function of the colon to help with elimination.
  3. Helps in hip opening and increased mobility.
  4. This pose also increases circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, which can help regulate sexual energy.
  5. Malasana improves balance, concentration, and focus.
  6. It is particularly beneficial for women who are pregnant- helps in opening the pelvic muscles helping childbirth.


  1. People with knee joint problems must not do this asana
  2. People with recent or chronic low back issues must not practice this asana.

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