October 17, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am
The Art of Being Present
The workshop duration is 2 days – Saturday and Sunday
17th Oct and 18th Oct (9 am to 10 am)
It isn’t uncommon for us to be lost in thoughts while being somewhere. Concentration doesn’t come as easy and we all have known it ever since we were kids.
Now, ADHD is a serious concern and almost all the adults are diagnosed with mild ADHD or as we call it- being lost in thoughts! Take any basic psychological test and you will know what we mean.
However, if we find ourselves getting distracted too much or if concentrating every single time has started becoming a chore, probably it is time to do something about it.
Meditation and Breath Control for one can be very effective in balancing and managing your thoughts.
Keeping that in mind, we shall be commencing our Weekend Workshops on “The Art of Being Present” on every weekend.
The admission status remains FCFS like always!
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What to expect from the workshop
The workshop is aimed to help you with the following:
1. Setting yourself free from the usually preoccupied mind
2. Work towards developing better awareness levels in work
3. Enable you to get the power to respond and not react to situations
4. Have a Calm and relaxed mind