
Almond Milk: Nutritious and Easy to prepare

Almond Milk: Nutritious and Easy to prepare

Calcium is an indelibly necessary mineral for our body. And dairy Milk is an ideal source of calcium for the body. But in some situations, due to lactose intolerance or milk allergies, people have to look for alternatives.

One such nourishing natural substitute is Almond Milk. Made from skinned whole almonds and good- quality water. Almond milk is plant-based milk with a velvety surface and nutty flavor. It is healthier without sugar.

It tastes fantastic in healthy smoothies, frozen desserts, and is just as good in cereals, and routine beverages of coffee and tea.  It will work just fine for bakers and goes well in Indian deserts and dishes as well. Almond milk is available in abundance, as factory-made in sealed containers in the market. In different packings, flavors and brands. But homemade almond milk will always be healthier than any readymade machine produce. With these simple instructions, one can easily make healthy almond milk at home.

Caution: the freshly prepared milk must be consumed within two to three days. The longer the milk is kept, the more nutrients and healthy bacteria it loses.

Ingredients required:

One cup of Almonds.

Four cups of drinking water

A mixer jar

One sieve and a container

Honey or other sweeteners (if desired)

Vanilla, dates, cocoa powder or any other flavors (if desired)

Steps to be followed:

Soak one cup of almonds in water for 8 to 48 hours. You can soak them overnight.

Drain and discard the water used for soaking. The almonds are ready to use. It will be better if you can peel the soaked almonds. 

In a mixer, jar adds the measured almonds and add 4 cups of water. 

For flavors you can add vanilla extract, cocoa powder, dates, etc. you can also add honey or sweetener if desired.

Grind the mixture well. Now after you achieve a white creamy mixture, you can separate the almond meal from the almond milk. Use a close-knit sieve and pour the mixture through it. The almond meal will remain in the sieve and the milk will filter through, into the container.

The milk is ready to use. You can also use the almond meal, which is rich in protein and healthy fats in baking, desserts or cooking, it can also be consumed raw.

Almond milk is a decent choice for individuals who don’t expend any type of bovine items. It is low in fat and high in vitality, proteins, lipids, and fiber. It contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, press, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. The are other interesting facts about Almond Milk Nutrition which are surprisingly beneficial.

Low- calorie.

A cup of unsweetened almond milk contains 1 g of fiber and protein, 30-40 calories, as well as 2.5-3 g of fat. When consumed in equal proportions, traditional milk provides 100 calories more than almond milk. This makes it more popular among dieters. Some journals have also suggested that combining almonds with a low-calorie, high-monounsaturated fat diet led to more weight loss than did a low-calorie diet with lots of complex carbohydrates.

Cancer Prevention.

Almond milk is said to help suppress prostate cancer. It also consists of Riboflavin (vitamin B2), which helps produce red blood cells and release energy from the consumption of carbohydrates.

Unsweetened almond milk has a glycemic index (GI) of 25 making it a low glycemic food. As a reference, foods with a GI of 55 or below are considered low glycemic foods. It is also high in fat and protein relative to its carb content. For this reason, it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetics, as well as those who are on a low-carb diet.


It is advised that children between the ages of 4- 14 months, should not be given plant-based milk. This could lead to protein-calorie malnutrition, low growth rate, and other nutrient deficiencies… It should be avoided by people suffering from nut allergies. if purchased from markets, one should be careful about carrageenan content. Carrageenan is a seaweed-based thickener used in packed products.

Almond milk is a highly versatile food product and a great milk substitute for vegans and people who are allergic or intolerant to dairy. Freshly prepared almond milk is naturally rich in several important nutrients and is an excellent addition to a healthy diet 

 For a quick recipe visual, watch:


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