
Health benefits of Acupuncture

Health benefits of Acupuncture

According to the ancient Chinese tradition the human body consists of a life force known as ‘qi’ (pronounced as ‘chi’). This energy is a balance between the energy forces of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. It regulates our wellness and flows through the meridians or pathways that can be accessed through 350 specific points in the body. 

Our health tends to deteriorate when the harmonious balance between the complementary extreme of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ of ‘qi’ is disturbed. This balance can be retained through inserting sharp needles into the body at those 350 certain points.

The Chinese treatment of acupuncture, which is now globally exercised literally means ‘needling and moxibustion’. This alternative of medicine is a completely drug-free treatment that requires the insertion of needles into a human body intending to balance the energy. It is claimed to cure conditions like headaches, blood pressure problems, and whooping cough, among others

Though there is no scientific proof of the exitance of acupuncture points, there is none that proves against. however, there are neurological explanations by some experts stating that these points are places where nerves, muscles and connective tissues can be stimulated. These stimulations further trigger the brain to increase the blood flow and send natural painkillers to the source points. It is also commonly used in conjunction with other treatments.

 There are studies which prove that acupuncture increases the effectiveness of many common drugs, especially regarding fertility cases. For example, there has been increased researches on women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS, a disorder which causes hormonal imbalance and may lead to difficulties in pregnancy) that states that acupuncture treatment naturally increases fertility by increasing the hormone levels that travel to the ovaries. This is one such example of the benefits of acupuncture, while there is much more to its benedictions and usage.

It is said to be useful in addressing a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain (such as headaches, back pain, neck pain)
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Sciatica
  • Sinus congestion
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Tinnitus
  • Weight loss

Acupuncture is a recently acclaimed field in contemporary medical science across the globe. There have been numerous researches, experiments and thesis on this subject which have found this treatment to be highly beneficial for the human body, as complementary to medicine and individually too. These benefits will surely encourage you to take acupuncture therapy

Lowers Back Pain.

Pain in the lower back is a common problem with people nowadays. Many reports have shown that acupuncture treatment is associated with decreased pain intensity and better function in the lower back region. In the long-term, however, the differences recorded were small or were not clear.


Having a migraine can really take a toll over everyday life. favourably, In conclusion to their studies, scientists have reviewed their trials and found that adding acupuncture to the treatment of migraine symptoms may reduce the frequency of episodes.

Stress Headaches

It seems stress has become part of our lives presently. Stressing over not necessarily critical issues has become a habit for some populations. However harmful to the body it maybe, people are prone to getting stressful headaches due to various reasons. Introducing acupuncture in your medication sessions can be very helpful and relaxing. A 2016 review suggested that acupuncture involving at least six sessions may help people with frequent tension headaches.

Relief in Knee Pain

An analysis by researchers found that acupuncture improved physical function in the short and long term in people with chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis, but apparently for only short-term (up to 13 weeks) relief of pain. It was also found that acupuncture delayed the patient-controlled use of opioid medication to relieve pain. No doubt an acupuncture therapy can lead to be your antidote for chronic pain relief. 

Awareness Alert

Being aware of some additional techniques that may be used during Acupuncture treatment will help you understand the practice better.

  • Moxibustion. Also known as “moxa,” moxibustion involves the use of heated sticks (made from dried herbs) held near the acupuncture needles to warm and stimulate the acupuncture points.
  • Cupping. Glass cups are applied to the skin so that there is a suction effect. In TCM theory, cupping is used to relieve the stagnation of qi and blood.
  • Herbs. Chinese herbs may be given in the form of teas, pills, and capsules. 
  • Electroacupuncture. An electrical device is connected to two to four acupuncture needles, providing a weak electrical current that stimulates the acupuncture needles during the treatment.
  • Laser acupuncture. Said to stimulate acupuncture points without the use of needles.

Acupuncture treatment involving insertion of needles into the body may cause pain and slight bleeding too. In adverse situations, people might get skin rashes, allergic reactions, bruising, nausea, dizziness, or infections. People with certain health conditions like a bleeding disorder or who are taking blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin) have an increased risk of bleeding or bruising.

But apart from these slight risks which can be avoided with alertness, the treatment of acupuncture is fruitful for the body. If there is trouble managing pain or other health issues with conventional methods, acupuncture can be worth a try.

1 Comment

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    fitoru.com Posted September 3, 2020 7:35 pm

    The points in this post will be a huge help to know more about acupuncture and it’s health benefits. This would be a huge help. Thanks for sharing this great article.

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