Pasasana is also known as Noose Pose, in which arms are wrapped around the squatting legs, and your hands will remain clasped behind your back, just like forming a Noose. It has been described from the words; Pasa means a snare, trap, noose, tie, bond, cord and fetter; Asana means pose or seat.
Pasasana must be practiced with your doctor’s consultation and with full caution. Pasasana must not be practiced if you have a knee injury, lower back injury, and herniated disk. You should avoid deep squats if you have any kind of knee injury. Just start like the beginners with an easy pose. This pose is described and explained in the 19th century. It has many physical and therapeutic benefits to your body and abdominal organs.
Steps of doing Pasasana
Always consult your doctor or medical practitioner before doing an exercise. Following steps are required to be followed:
- Start with the standing pose in Tadasana.
- Then in the next step, gently bend your knees such that you are squatting on the floor, and your sitting bones will come closer to your heels as your torso rests against your thighs.
- Starting at the belly twist to your right side and try to extend your left arm to bring its upper part to the outside of the right knee.
- Turn your palm down as you bend your elbows to wrap the forearms around your right shin.
- Stretch out your right hand as much as you can and sweep it to the back. Hold your left-hand wrist with your right hand. You can hook your fingers if unable to hold your hand or wrist.
- Turn your head to the right side and pull your shoulder blades to the back, breathe and lift, lengthen your sternum through the top of your head.
- Exhale and twist your body simultaneously, going forward with your left ribs.
- Hold the pose for a few seconds, and release the pose in an easy manner; repeat the asana by having a twist to your left side.
- If you are a beginner, you can try the pose by sitting on the edge of the chair and make the steps more comfortable.
Benefits of doing Pasasana
Pasasana is an advanced and deep twisting asana with a lot of balancing exercises, strengthening your ankles. It massages the internal organs and gives energy to your spleen, pancreas, liver, chest, and expand shoulders by making them more elastic. Some of the benefits are mentioned under:
- Pasasana helps in providing the stretching and strengthening of ankles.
- Stretches the thighs, groin, and spine.
- Supports in the opening of the chest and shoulders.
- Stimulates the abdominal organs.
- Improves your digestion system and improves posture also.
- It helps in removing mild back, shoulder, and neck tension.
- It helps in eliminating Menstrual discomfort.
- It also helps therapeutically in many problems like sciatica, flatulence, asthma, etc.
One can reap the following under mentioned benefits by practicing Pasasana regularly. Pasasana must be done with full enthusiasm and dedication to get the best results. It must be performed under the kind guidance of a yoga guru. The beginners have to follow different steps from the advanced one. Certain things we do in our daily lives only then convert into commitments; in the same way, yoga should also be added to our daily life routine.
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