Marichyasana I is one of the types of Yoga derived from the Sanskrit word Maricyasana, Marichyasana I is a sitting twist asana with a combination of forwarding bent. The name of its pose in Sanskrit is Marichi, which is the name of a sage as per Hindu mythology and asana means pose or posture of body parts or seat. Marichyasana I did not find in the medieval age of Yoga. It has several forms to practice. Marichyasana I is the asana with one leg stretched out and the other leg bent with its foot grounded on the floor. Nose and chin touch the straight leg by bending down. Marichyasana I is a sitting posture asana with hands joined at the back and is very useful for the health and mind both. There are other types of Marichyasana I as Marichyasana II, Marichyasana III, Marichyasana IV.
Steps to do Marichyasana I
Marichyasana I consists of a number of steps, but it is quite simple Yoga; if does in full guidance, always remember not to strain to bind before you bend forward; otherwise, it will create undue strain to your muscles.
- Firstly, Sit in Dandasana with your legs stretched outward and straight in front of you with arms by your sides and palms rest on the floor. Lengthen your arms with the help of your triceps.
- Secondly, Stretch your legs by moving your calf muscles towards your heels by pushing it forward.
- Try to bend your left leg slowly and bring your knee towards your chest. Settle your left foot in a parallel way to your right thigh and close to your left buttock.
- Then interlock your fingers around the top of your left side and lift your elbows upwards; on an inhalation, try to lift your torso up from your hips towards armpits, and on exhalation, settle your buttocks down.
- Try to make the posture of Urdhva Hastasana (upward salute) by stretching your arms up.
- Bent forward, hold your right foot with both your hands and lift your head slightly upward. Breathe and distribute your body weight on both the buttocks and press your left foot down on the floor.
- Take your left arm behind the back and try to hold your right-hand wrist with the left hand. Always remember to keep your shoulders parallel and bend forward on every breathe. Place your nose and chin on the stretched leg or knee.
- Do it for half a minute and then relax and repeat on another side in the same manner.
- Always do the Marichyasana I asana with full care and caution because taking wrong postures in a hurry leads to undue strain on your lower back, shoulders, and neck.
Benefits of Marichyasana I
In order to get the full benefits of Marichyasana, I asana always calm your mind before engaging yourself in it and extends your spine, give your internal organ a healthy squeeze, breathe in and out slowly and start the asana. Marichyasana I is a forward bending and sitting asana, which is beneficial to organs in several ways.
- Marichyasana I is quite helpful in backache.
- Marichyasana I provide the opportunity to stretch our hamstring and glutes.
- It helps in awakening our torso and promotes circulation and flow in abdominal organs.
- Helps in the development of introspection.
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