Calm Heart Meditation is one of Pranayam types for relieving the stress of mind, anxiety, and promotes calmness and mental peace. Calm Heart Meditation is a soothing breath practice. Before indulging in meditation, first it is mandatory to understand the importance of doing meditation and understanding the need for meditation. It helps in understanding the sacred and mystical forces of life. It is practiced to reduce the stress that is generated from the daily schedule of life. Calm Heart Meditation provides you to get rid of jumbled thoughts and makes your understanding clear and transparent. It enhances your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The fruits of meditation do not end with the session ends. It helps you get rid of many physical disorders.
Steps to do Calm Heart Meditation
Calm Heart Meditation nourishes the heart deep inside. The following steps help in nourishing and cleaning the inner power and energy of your heart. It can be done by chanting divine sound. If you want to wipe away your stress, you must perform the Calm Heart Meditation asana on a regular basis. It’s very simple and easy, it’s not expensive and does not require any instrument to do.
- Firstly sit in the easy pose by crossed legs and place the left hand on the center of your chest at the place of the heart center.
- The palm of your hand must be flat against the chest, and the will be parallel to the floor, pointing to the right.
- Make Gyan mudra with the right hand and raise the right hand up to the right side as if giving a pledge.
- Your elbow remains relaxed near the side with the forearm perpendicular to the floor.
- You can close your eyes or not; you can look straight.
- Inhale slowly and keep the breath in and raise your chest, retain the breath and then exhale smoothly, gradually, and completely.
- You can repeat this Calm Heart Meditation 3 to 5 fives for getting a better result.
Benefits of doing Calm Heart Meditation
In Calm Heart Meditation, the incorporation of meditation and breathing helps in improving the person’s mental well-being. Regular Calm Heart Meditation practice creates mental clarity and calmness, increases body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, centers attention, and sharpens the concentration.
- Calm Heart Meditation physically strengthens your lungs and heart.
- Peaceful Heart Meditation is perfect for beginners to stay calm and increase awareness.
- It helps in conditioning the lungs and heart.
- It provides an advanced level of concentration and rejuvenates the same.
- It gives a clear perception of your relationships with yourself and others too.
- Emotionally Calm Heart Meditation makes you strong.
- If you are upset, sit in the pose of Calm Heart Meditation, you will feel free.
- Improves your sleep and digestion.
- Calm Heart Meditation lowers down the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
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