
How to do Anjali Mudra?

How to do Anjali Mudra?

Anjali Mudra is an asana which has the posture of prayer with joining hands together. It is a practice of joining hands by the sternum; Anjali Mudra Is all about hand gestures frequently. Anjali Mudra is practiced during the beginning and closing of yogasanas and also during some of the other asanas. We provide you the holistic information also through our expertise. Anjali Mudra Is a culture based yoga and has its own importance among all other yoga or asanas. Anjali Mudra Is a Sanskrit term that means “ to offer” or “ to salutate,” and the term mudra means “ seal.” The essence of Anjali Mudra is that we are honoring and celebrating the moment with full grace and respect. We should always understand the reason behind doing a particular asana. Only then will we be able to perform it with full peace of mind and objective. We must perform asana with our inner intention, not just as we are following some procedure.

How To Do Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra is full of hand gesture asana to progress to the greatest spiritual awakening, so it must be done with full honesty and honor. Anjali Mudra is done to help ground, create and seal in the deeper soul, the personal intension of the mind. We can do many other asanas also with Anjali Mudra without separating our hands. It provides us the inner attitude of peace.

Anjali Mudra can be used in the following asana:

  1. During mountain pose (tadasana)
  2. Before sun salutations (Surya Namaskar A and B)
  3. in balancing pose like tree pose (vrkasana)

Steps of Anjali Mudra

  1. Sit in a comfortable position as in sukhasana, which means easy pose.
  2. Lengthen your spine.
  3. Try to extend your back portion of your neck and drop your chin slightly inside.
  4. Keep your palms open.
  5. Slowly join your hands together in the center of your chest. And the fingers are pointing upwards.
  6. Press the palms together by pressure towards up through each finger and their tips, thumb.
  7. Then close your eyes. It’s not compulsory even.
  8. Repeat it many times.
  9. Now gently touch your thumbs into your sternum as if you are pressuring the calling bell for the doors.
  10. Broaden your shoulders blades to spread your chest.
  11. Bring your elbows into alignments with your wrists, and that’s too into a straight line.
  12. Experience the balance by staying into the posture for sometimes.

Benefits of doing Anjali Mudra

  1. Anjali Mudra is the asana of the union of hands, which symbolizes many things.
  2. It tells us the unity of mind and our body.
  3. It promotes peace of mind and heart openness.
  4. It provides a balance of physical, emotional, and mental peace.
  5. It’s also called pranam mudra and namaste mudra.
  6. Provides flexibility in hands, wrists, palms, and arms joints.
  7. It stimulates the Anahata chakra.
  8. It also activates the Ajna chakra.
  9. It helps the calm mind and relieves stress.
  10. It improves focus and awareness.
  11. Connects the hemisphere of the brain and optimizes brain functioning and coordination.

Anjali Mudra helps in improving your intuition power as well, your inner strength and tenderness into wholeness. This asana is very beneficial to all human beings and that they can do before starting yoga, during yoga, and at the end of yoga.

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