Abhaya Hridaya Mudra is also known as the name Fearless Heart Seal which has been derived from the Sanskrit language; means when you face some difficulties or contradictions between your mind and thoughts, this asana helps you in making a balance and connect to you to your heart’s truth. Abhaya Hridaya Mudra asana helps you and gives you the courage to follow your heart. It is a kind of symbolic gesture. Abhaya Hridaya Mudra helps in removing the fear and increases inner power. It motivates you towards positivity. This asana draws the forward strength of your true nature. This gesture can be used during the pose of meditation as well; by connecting the base of the right thumb. Abhaya Hridaya Mudra can also be performed in any yoga where the hands are closer to one another, such as Virabhadrasana .
Abhaya Hridaya Mudra has been derived from the various words like Abhaya, which means without fear, hridaya means spiritual heart and mudra is the seal, asana means pose or seat or posture. This posture gives and takes you in perfect balance. If we have forgotten to love ugly and uncomfortable, this mudra teaches us how to re-love and put love into action.
Steps to perform Abhaya Hridaya Mudra:
To release your stress and anxiety, for more focus in your lives, and to calm your emotions and mental stress, Abhaya Hridaya Mudra must be practiced with the following steps one by one and in order. It must be performed while concentrating on the things and reciting dohas or mantras.
- Firstly, cross your wrists in front of the left at your heart center.
- Secondly, bring the back of your hands together.
- Thirdly, interlock opposite little, middle, and index fingers (avoid the touch of ring finger).
- Fourthly, bring the tip of the ring finger and thumb together on each hand.
Benefits of Abhaya Hridaya Mudra
Abhaya Hridaya Mudra has many benefits; it helps you calm your strong emotions and provides a sense of clarity in mind and heart. It helps in making clear and determined decisions in life. Practicing this mudra heightens the heart chakra’s connection to your sense of love and compassion, not only for others but also for yourself.
- This asana gives you inner power and courage.
- It connects you to your heart’s truth and gives you positivity.
- It helps in calming the scattered energy.
- Abhaya Hridaya Mudra provides reassurance.
- It helps in revitalizing the life force.
- This mudra helps in activating the heart chakra.
- It helps in releasing the blockages in order to cultivate the balanced flow of energy through your heart.
This asana helps to work with the third and fourth chakras, Manipura and Anahata, respectively. This asana has a list of benefits that must be practiced on a regular basis and under full guidance.
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