
10 Benefits Of Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

10 Benefits Of Matsyasana (Fish Pose)


Yoga has now become a lifestyle routine in our daily lives. It is no longer confined to ancient times or for people who are suffering from some health issues. Now, it is being practised by people worldwide for staying healthy and fit. Yoga helps in maintaining the overall health of the body. It helps in attaining the harmony between the mind, body and soul. With constant practice, the body becomes flexible and strong. There are many asanas in yoga which helps in fighting against many health issues and problems. One such yoga asana is Matsyasana or popularly known as the fish pose. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word Matsya meaning fish and asana meaning pose. The posture is like that of a fish. This asana helps in releasing tension from the shoulders and opens up the chest completely. The asana activates the heart and balances the hormones. Matsyasana is the counterpose for headstand and Shoulderstand. The asana is like a stress buster and provides relief from back pain and shoulder pain. 

How To Perform ?

The steps involved in the fish pose are simple to practice if they are done in the right manner and direction. The benefits become two-fold when the asana is done with the right steps under the guidance of the yoga instructor. The steps are briefly explained below-

  1. Start by lying down on your back with feet and legs apart.
  2. Now bring your legs and hands together over your head with toes pointed and stretch the body entirely.
  3. Now become aware of your breath and keep inhaling and exhaling while you do step number 2.
  4. Keep your hands under the torso and lift your body with your weight resting on the elbows.
  5. Keep your head back and move your back upwards like an arch with feet together in a calm posture.
  6. While you are inhaling and exhaling, bring your head back, seeing your toes and gradually put your body down.
  7. The palms of your hands should be our with your legs and hands apart. 
  8. Twist your wrist to release the pressure from them.
  9. Now rotate your neck left and right. Keep your toes together, lock your fingers and put the hands on the back of your neck.
  10. Now move the neck in all the directions from left to right, front and back, diagonally with your back on the floor.
  11. Relax your mind, body and become aware of your breathing.
  12. Come back to normal position.
  13. Modification of the asana- for beginners, if it is difficult to place the head on the floor try using a blanket or block under your head. If any discomfort in the neck and throat is felt, then the chest can be lowered.
  14. Precautions- people with severe headache, back and neck injury should avoid doing the asana. 

Benefits of Matsyasana 

The Matsyasana or the fish pose has many health benefits and is a stress buster. People have seen great results with the regular practise of this asana. It has helped in relieving the back pain and stretches the diagraph and chest completely. The benefits of practising Matsyasana are-

  1. The asana stimulates the pituitary gland and increases the blood supply into the head.
  2. It helps in dealing with respiratory problems and is helpful with asthma and bronchitis.
  3. It improves the rhythmic breathing pattern.
  4. The asana also improves the reproductive system and regulates the flow of menstruation in women.
  5. It also tones the abdominal and thigh muscles.
  6. It aids the immune system and improves blood circulation in the body.
  7. It improves the functioning of the liver, abdomen, pancreas and intestine.
  8. It also stimulates the thyroid glands.
  9. The asana is also very beneficial from a psychological point of view. With regular practice of this asana, one feels relaxed and rejuvenated. It works on the head and eliminates all negative thoughts from the mind. 
  10. It activates the nervous system and stretches and strengthens the spine. 

See Also: COVID-19 Prevention: Yoga Poses For Better Immunity

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